A preparation workshop begins

Our preparation workshop is a three day workshop that covers the essentials of hand tool woodworking in readiness to begin the three major projects I described in an almearlier post. It starts today with four people who will join the others on the month-long course this coming Monday. Much of woodworking is about joinery and wood preparation for joinery so that’s where we move towards during the day, but first of all we go through sharpening edge tools. Not a complicated thing but complicated by others to become something it’s not necessaryntombecome. In ten to fifteen minutes I will make this so simple and it will dismantle all of the junk that’s out there.
This about demystifying the craft and art of working wood. Breaking down the barriers and intimidation to make people sensitive to the order that creates fine woodworking for lumps of wood. Watch what happens today as we lay the foundation on which we build our skils through a working knowledge at the bench.
