Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Woodworkers

We filmed ten of my top used tips and tricks for woodworkers that I use in my day to day woodworking and I think that you’ll like them too.

Here you go. Hope you enjoy it: 


    1. They’re not. They are actually violet, they just appear blue because of the number of blue colour receptors in your eyes.

      1. The yellow cloth that Paul uses to remove dents from the surface of wood with a hot iron, is called in the UK as a duster. It is a general purpose cloth for use in the home. It is soft and very useful for many tasks including removing dust. For decades and possibly hundreds of years they have always been yellow.

        By the way an immensley useful video.

  1. Several very handy and “why didn’t I think of that” tips
    Made a pusher for my band saw ….always losing it….not now
    Starting a tennon saw cut ….a simple idea
    Thank you Paul

  2. These are very nice tips… but I still don’t understand quite well tip #1 and #9, maybe because english is not my native language.
    In tip #1, I don’t understand how shellac prevents the glue from contaminate the finish… the glue will be on top of shellac when the tenon is inserted in the mortise? And then what is supposed to happen? And won’t the glue be used only in the tenon part that really glues to the mortise, in the shoulders?
    At tip #9, I don’t understand why is super glue used. Why isn’t PVC wood glue used to glue the handle? Is super glue used only to finish the fragile parts of the handle, and will wood glue still be used on top of super glue?

    Thanks, regards, and a happy new year to everyone.

    1. 1) The glue will wipe off the shellac straight away without smear or stain if you do happen to get glue outside the area within the joint.
      2) The superglue is not to glue the handle in. It may look like that but it’s not. The superglue wicks into the grain fibres by capillary attraction and dries immediately and so strengthens the outer fibres and prevents fracture. Sometimes I use superglue as a shiny wood finish but you must be extra careful if you do that. Superglue and skin is the issue then.

      1. Paul,
        The super glue trick is genius. Thank you for sharing these! It so happens I was recently trying to glue on a very small piece of window casing trim (the return, so basically a miter joint) and superglue didn’t cut it. I’m wondering if you’ve had success with superglue acting as a grain sealer to allow gluing of the two surfaces? Epoxy will do it but who wants to go through all that!?

  3. Hi Paul. I thought l knew most of the wood working tricks. However you are never to old to learn more.
    I have enjoyed this post. Happy new year.
    Regards Larry.

  4. The Video was great- almost as good as the old Q&A videos. I wish you would make more of both.
    Looks like we are off to a great start for the new year!

  5. So many useful tips in just 5 minutes. This format is a great complement to the longer videos for when I have a short break! Thanks!

  6. Many thanks for this very nice video!

    Regarding tip #2, I have never heard of “accelerator”.
    Can someone please elaborate on this?
    I think I saw that the glue and spray can are the same brand; does the accelerator and glue come in pairs, like 2-component glue?

    1. It is often called Mitre Fix here in the UK. In the USA and the UK there is Zap-a-Gap which is just CA glue or superglue and the accelerator by the same company is called zip kicker. But model shops sell a variety of brands that are less expensive.

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