When One Tampa Show Closes…

When One Tampa Show Closes…

…there is Atlanta Georgia It has been ten years since I was in beautiful city of Atlanta Georgia and tomorrow I will hopefully touch down there for the Atlanta Woodworking Show’s last show of the season if not the year. I truly enjoyed the warmth of the Sunshine State and I am not talking about…

Getting Ready for The Woodworking Show’s Show in Tampa

Getting Ready for The Woodworking Show’s Show in Tampa

The congruence of two colliding worlds at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport reflect the present-day disjuncture of former woodworking with today’s leftovers of our machine-fed world of mass making methodology.  Fort Worth past and present encapsulated this way expresses the unlikelihood of two worlds ever uniting in harmony just as the elevated sculptures split reality in two….

Buffing compound at Harbor Freight

Buffing compound is not always readily accessible and I was scrounging around in Harbor Freight (a national US chain of tool and equipment suppliers in most major towns and cities stateside) the other day and found a compact round stick of green buffing compound for just under $5. It’s a good sized stick about 20mm…

Are dogs a man’s best friend?

Are dogs a man’s best friend?

Of dogs it can be said they be to every man his best friend and so I thought to introduce some thoughts on the Veritas planing stops. A little different than dogs but none the less doggedly reliable and doggedly simple. To contrast this with my no nonsense clamp-in-the-vise method, the planing stop anchors boards…

Things in General – Making a Workbench at the Next Woodworking Shows

Things in General – Making a Workbench at the Next Woodworking Shows

NOTE:Just so you know, Paul has a new Workbench series. If you are interested in the updated version of Paul’s workbench please click the button down below. This page links to a cutting list, tools list, FAQS and much more. Click here to go to the workbench page Workbench Series for Tampa Florida show. Making…