
Dawn is later now. The winds have died down and the rain has gone as I prepare for the day at Penrhyn Castle. I would that I could walk this morning but that wasn’t going to work this time. John is a live-in apprentice with my family and we drove in together. The road is narrow leading up to the castle and wildlife criss-crosses the road all the way. Some birds leave and others arrive. More Canadian geese here now than before and larger flocks than ever graze alongside the cows in the pasture between the castle and the sea. The Canada geese I saw in New York and Canada two weeks ago seemed larger and darker than the ones we see here.

Here is our Penrhyn Castle UK workshop against the rising sun. Lower right is where my classes are held, but you have to imagine what’s inside. My next post will show what we did today. My students left with success and enthusiasm for woodworking.

Soon we open the US workshops and we will be making furniture and hold classes there!