The Poor-man’s Toothing Plane Video

As a follow up to the recent blog and if you are interested in a short video on making a poor-man’s toothing plane you can see it here:

One Comment

  1. Hi Paul,

    I’m currently building an acoustic guitar in my basement, and I will soon be at the stage of planing the plates to their final dimension. I have access to a very good thickness planer as well as a top of the line thickness sander at school, but I would like as much as possible to do all by hand at home. In the book im refering to to build my guitar, it said that a toothing plane should be used first for material removal to avoid tearout. The wood used for the back and sides is khaya, and spruce for the soundboard. What do you think of this method? Would the poor mans toothing plane be a viable alternative for this purpose? or should I rather carefully plane down to thickeness using a number 4 or 5? Would you have other suggestions?

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