New Legacy Classes Begin

We are on our way

In a few short weeks, on the 28-29 October 2016, we will be holding our first 2-day workshop in England proper. I’ve longed for this day! We have two workshops planned for this latter part of the year and will hold them 10 miles from the historic city of Oxford at the Sylva Wood Centre in Southeast Oxfordshire.

The benches are now in place.
The benches are now in place.


We are increasingly choosing community awareness

I’ve always worked to make my workshops as effective for all as much as possible without the work becoming a money making entity alone. Since day one we’ve given two free class places for every eight paying students to those who might never afford it.  We are increasing this to 25% of classes being offered in the same way. Additionally, we’ve offered different free workshops and open houses for woodworking enthusiasts and friends throughout the years too. So at this time, and as we celebrate officially reopening the New Legacy School of Woodworking in my native England, we hope that you will continue to support us as you always have through the decades.

Good light, good benches, plenty of space and the right tools. Spell success!
Good light, good benches, plenty of space and the right tools. Spell success!

Our outreach through hands-on teaching spans two decades on two continents and reaches woodworkers worldwide. Relocating from Wales to England we’ve begun progressing our interest in more socially conscious endeavours as something very close to my heart. I wish to provide a more nurturing environment for woodworkers to interface with. Yes, that means offering even more bench slots to those who might never be able to attend our classes or afford the online work via Woodworking Masterclasses, but also possible alternative ways of apprenticing. We have always invested in new woodworkers and indeed young woodworkers wanting to experience real woodworking in an environment like ours.

And a New Face Too

Cristina Tudorache keeps everything ticking like clockwork.
Cristina Tudorache keeps everything ticking like clockwork.

My workload increases week by week and more people make what we do work behind the scenes. Our newest member of the team came on board to work alongside me to help me become ever more efficient. Cristina joined us to become my PA (personal assistant) and she is very committed to the work we do. Anyone contacting me will discover Cristina to be a friendly and knowledgeable  guide to steer them into the right channels.


Speaking of classes

The two classes planned between now and Christmas are a two-day Discovering Woodworking 28-29 October and another two-day class a few weeks later.

You will be able to see the studio I work in as some of the around the bench lectures will be in there.
You will be able to see the studio I work and film the videos in as some of the around-the-bench lectures will be in there.


Workshops will be offered on a first come first served basis as was the first 2-day. We emailed the list of those who had asked to be notified when the course was scheduled and within 38 minutes the class was full. We do have classes planned for the coming year and these will be by application but we have to yet work out a fairer way of allocating places.



  1. That’s brilliant news Paul. I hadn’t realised how far advanced you’d got with setting up the new school. All the best for to you and your students for the first classes at the Sylva Wood Centre.

  2. Nice set up there, you must be very pleased I hope to make it along one day when time and finance allows it. And to all of you attending enjoy the privilege. Thanks for everything you do

  3. Paul,

    Would you mind talking a bit about the table workbench construction? What is the lumber? I see mortise and tenon construction on the lower rails but do the bolts through the skirts go all the way through or just through the leg? Are the top rails mortised and tenoned? Do you have any racking issues? I noticed some of the skirts have a dead-man style block. Is it stationary or does it move in and out?

    Keep up the good work. I always appreciate your insight. While I’m sad you’ve gone back to England, I am excited for those that will get to take your classes in person.


    1. John,
      If you look at the top of this page, you will see a tab labeled ‘Blog series’
      If you hover there, you will find a link to Paul’s entries describing in detail (some 15 separate articles) every aspect of building his signature work bench.
      Moreover if you go to Paul’s Youtube channel, he has posted the full set of ‘How-To’ videos

  4. I would really like to be notified when more places come available, please!
    Also can you give me some idea of the course content?
    Many thanks

    Peter Martin

  5. As someone who has taken Pauls 9 day course in the states I encourage anyone who is able to take attend his workshop. You will receive a wealth of knowledge that will so expand your woodworking abilities. Not that there is anything wrong with the Master Classes but hands on in person is an awesome experience. I’m happy for you Paul. Best of luck!

    1. Hi Scott, nice to hear from you. Thanks for the encouraging words too. We are doing well here and we are reaching an ever-increasing world of woodworkers. It has been an incredible journey for me and one that springs off from the accumulated knowledge I thought at one time would only be any good to me. More and more people are following the tradition of my craft and using/adopting what they thought could never be theirs too. So happy!

  6. Congratulations and all the best Paul!! I always follow you on your blogs, Videos, Masterclasses and hopefully more of your books to come in the near future. I live in New Zealand, so if you ever come this far one day, let me know and I can take you to the Centre For Fine Woodworking in Nelson. It will be an honour and pleasure to meet you and talk tools. I wish I live a bit closer to take your classes. Cheers. Gaston

    1. Well, Gaston, you just never know. The world is getting smaller and smaller these days and we do have a big following from your neck of the woods too.

      1. Being British yourself I think it would be most proper to follow the route of Captain Cook and land first in Australia.

  7. Welcome Cristina!!!
    Thank you to all of the people who contribute to preparing, preserving and presenting the blog, the Masterclasses videos and other content and platforms for us to learn from. As a bit of a reluctant participant in the virtual space, you’ve created an amazing place to learn and share.
    Thanks Paul for sharing your talents. Looking forward to paying my subscriptions as long as I am able. (Curious to hear more about the alternative apprenticeships?)

  8. Hi Paul and Cristina,

    I am one of the lucky ones to be able to learn from Paul firsthand and I am really looking forward to coming to the UK.
    I will be arriving a few days in advance to visit Oxford and I was wondering whether you have a few tips for me regarding purchasing used hand tools while I am in the area. Are there any recommended places or flea-markets?

    Thank you and see you soon,

  9. I sigh of excitement for you (Paul) as you fulfil your vision, passing your knowledge. And for the people who will obviously enjoy it so much in your company at the school. I so wish to find a local woodworking club around my area. You have been successful in teaching me from scratch. Thank you for your pragmatic pedagogy. Your are making sense of the senses.

  10. i have seen all of your workbench related videos and am interested in your customizations such as the lower storage underneath, drawer, and end shelf. The photos i this post only pique my i terest more. Of course i can conceive of ways i would do these things myself, and while they would undoubtedly work i would much rather see them as an added instructional video to your workbench series.

  11. Hi! When New 9 d ays course will be available?? It will be my degree gift i’m a fraid.

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