The Paul Sellers Router Plane Videos

Episode 1

Can a homemade wooden router plane give you what an all-metal one gives you? It absolutely can!

Paul has wanted to answer the need for a low-cost hand router plane that does not, in any way, take second place to any of the established ones made by Stanley and Record in the last century. Neither does it compromise on the utility offered by any of the high-end expensive ones.

This episode is Paul’s answer to a worldwide problem of supply and demand. He guarantees that you will not only love making your own, fully adjustable router plane, but also owning one for a lifetime of work.

Episode 2

In this final episode, we go all the way from creating the handles to making the cutting iron and the retainer bar. Then on to installing the components, and finishing the plane with a shellac finish.

It’s simple step-by-step for everything to take out the mysteries of metalworking. The magic result is your very own hand-made, finished router plane.

We do hope that you will enjoy the success of making such a fine woodworking tool as your own fully adjustable hand router plane for a lifetime of use. We believe that this is the best router plane in the world. Enjoy it!

Paul Sellers Router Plane Drawings

An image that has text which says Paul Sellers and then a drawing of the router plane followed by the text The Paul Sellers Router Plane.

These technical drawings give you the key measurements for making your own router plane. Aside from measurements there is a detailed list of parts you will need to build the plane. You can download the technical drawings and parts list for the Paul Sellers Router Plane by following this button.