New staff member!

Help at last. My wife Liz quit her previous job and started working for New Legacy along with Joseph. She will organize several areas including the office, accounts and bookkeeping, customer liaison and class bookings. Liz and I have worked together in business for over 20 years and raised a family of boys at the same time. She’s a tremendous help and encourager and can take care of most problems quickly and quietly.

The school has been an important choice for me and over the months to come I think we will
see remarkable changes that will give a new boost to all spheres of woodworking. I am so glad that my crafts continues through the lives of both creative professionals and equally professional amateurs. As new-genre woodworkers deepen their roots and assume greater levels of responsibility in preserving the traditions of conservation crafts I see the demands for greater levels of high quality craftsman-led teaching. The Real Woodworking Campaign is on for me. Getting people involved means more demonstrating and to a wider audience than ever. Next month I demonstrate and share my vision for woodworking with a large group of medical doctors in Birkenhead near Liverpool. Last month it was at Alexander Palace and the month before it was in Llandudno for the Llandudno Historical Society. Soon I will be in the USA again and I look forward to that.

One Comment

  1. Good morning. Since I have been studying your techniques in the evening, and practicing the skills during the day, my girlfriend has asked about your wife, Liz. Now that I am going back through the blogs from the beginning, I have found your mention of her.

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