Celebration! Releasing Online Broadcast Training


Please join with us,  help us to celebrate new beginnings based on a life working wood every single day for almost five decades. You made all of this become more than a mere possibility, showed us the need, provided the inspiration, gave us the ideas, wrote day and night from every continent and now it has happened because you asked for it. Today we took all that I have worked on for many decades and started an online apprenticing strategy. As you followed us in our progress to be the first school opening on two continents, we want you to know that the reason we did is all you. Had it not been for your support, your involvement and your commitment in so many ways, we would never have accomplished what we have. Thank you!

Our first project is this small shaker-style wall clock

For many years, woodworkers around the world have asked us, “Just how can we learn the skills of woodworking masters?” Today, for the first time in our history, we offer a legacy if you will. It’s a legacy of hand tool woodworking that always starts with real wood, real hand tools and real teaching at the workbench as if you were in the workshop with a master woodworker. My friends and I have united in partnering The New Legacy School of Woodworking with Woodworking Masterclasses to give you interactive online broadcast to show the many ways craftsmen and women use to this remarkable substance we call wood. Our Masterclass series begins with Paul Sellers, his friends and his colleagues who know woodworking from the inside out. Our video cameras are always ready to record daily activity that provides reality training for new Genre woodworkers no matter their background or where they live in the world. This now means you can access training anytime twenty-four-seven, and this is just the beginning. Not everyone can attend our New Legacy School workshops and we wanted to do something about that. We felt that this would be the next best thing and certainly we hope that you will feel like you are standing with my regular students and apprentices around the bench with me. Please, join us as we celebrate our launch of Woodworking Masterclasses for the next generation of woodworkers online.

If you want to sign up for the project series ($15/£10 per month) please use this coupon code blnov12 for 15% off (valid until 14 Nov 2012).

Go to https://woodworkingmasterclasses.com to sign up. Click here to view the first sample episode and sign up for a free account to learn to make this shooting board.

Rumour has it our next project is a Craftsman-style rocking chair…


  1. Hi Paul, I’m signed up! The clock looks fun and I really need to make the shooting board. I think “we” are off to a good start.
    One difficulty I had. I tried to use the discount code on your blog but it wouldn’t accept the order, twice. I noticed that the video had a different discount code but I didn’t try it. When I ran the order through without a discount code, all times with paypal, it went through fine. Just letting you know in case any others have similar issues.
    This is going to be fun!

    1. Thanks for telling us. We will look into it and we will work out how we can refund you the amount that should have been discounted.

      Thanks for having faith in this project!

      1. Hi Joseph. Please don’t worry about my order, it would be worth the price at thrice the cost!

        1. Hi John,

          I have applied the discount for future payments (if there are to be any) and partially refunded you for the payment already made.

  2. Hi Paul,

    Thank you for releasing the online broadcast. I appreciate it and look forward to building the upcoming projects. Ironically, the day you released the broadcast is the same day I finished my first project…the workbench.

    Thank you.

    Brandon Avakian
    (El Segundo, CA. US)

  3. Congrats Paul and Joseph for getting this off the ground. I know personally how much work it is and wish you the best of luck. Everything looks great

  4. Lovely idea.

    I too decided to sign up, mostly as a way of showing my support for your efforts. But being the cheapskate that I am, I was excited to see the discount code. However during the signup and payment selection using PayPal, I didn’t see where to enter the code? Not a big deal, I’m happy to help support your efforts and there are always some rough patches at the beginning. I know you will get it sorted.

      1. Hi Rob,

        I have applied the discount for future payments (if there are to be any) and partially refunded you for the payment already made.

  5. I am going to signup as well. Are the videos going to be available for download? It seems I have to watch them numerous times and would like to save them on my PC so I don’t eat up all my limited bandwidth.

    1. This was our number one request in the first 48 hours. We listened. All the videos will be available to download in three different resolutions (and therefore three different file sizes)

  6. Hi, Paul I’ve signed in before seeing the interview that really touched me.
    As always everything is decent (the monthly fee), looking forward to see the courses

    1. Thanks Gil. You won’t be disappointed. We have some great plans for training and already it is proving highly encouraging!

  7. Paul,

    This is great news. I recently purchased your book/DVD set and am working my way through them, slowly but surely. An outstanding resource and I’m amazed at how much I am learning. I’m also excited to get my 8-year old daughter and 5-year old son involved as well.

    If the online broadcast training is any where near as good it will be an amazingly reasonable investment ($15/month – who can’t afford that)?

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