Q&A On Youtube–Another Way Forward

Today we videoed a Questions & Answers session in the woodshop. I enjoyed it and it felt so right. These are questions that I would have asked as a boy in apprenticeship but then answered for myself as I grew in my craft. I want everyone to know as much as I know to that what we do as an organisation is fully in use around the world and thereby protected by the ones that protect things the best–amateurs. Please help us to promote this new step if you like what we did by both liking on Youtube and also sharing with others you know too. Here it is:

Q & A with Paul



  1. This was a great idea and video, Paul. I hope you continue them. I might suggest publicizing a way to submit questions, unless you’re just going to cull them from youtube videos and blog posts. Thanks for posting.

  2. Lovely concept, Paul, and well done. I hope to see more in the future. Also, you look completely “at home” in your new shop.
    All best,

  3. I think it is a great idea. You seem to be completely relaxed and enjoying yourself. I also think you covered quite a bit of ground quickly. Hope to see more of them in the future.
    Thank you,
    Bob L.

  4. Hi Paul,
    Thank you so much for answering the questions. I really enjoyed it. Though I subscribe and watch all of the videos, the Q and A seems to make a more personal connection with you. If it isn’t too time intensive, I’d love to see more of them on a.regular basis.

  5. Paul,

    So shall you sew so shall you reap. You da reaper! LOL! Great Job!

  6. I watched the first one. I think it will be great as we see your answers to the practical questions we all face in the shop.

  7. This idea is certainly worth trying but I’m a little confused as to where you are likely to be looking for the questions being asked. As I see it at the moment there are a possible three sites. The videos on YouTube, Your regular blogs/tutorials and the woodworking masterclass site. Whilst all three are linked could a question/ answer be missed by those that follow just one of the above.The comments and advice from yourself and woodworkers from a wide range of abilities and walks of life is priceless. It’s those little things that seem obscure that you pick up on that suddenly clicks when using or setting up a piece of equipment.
    Patience is a virtue, everything comes to those that wait.

    Kind Regards

    1. And then there are text messages, Facebook and emails. This has become a real problem issue and we are trying to work out how we can answer the quantity now coming in on a continuing basis.

  8. I really enjoyed this Q&A video! Keep the medium in mind: it’s providing answers in a movie, so seeing you actually grab that saw and bend it in a way I would never consider is very satisfactory to me, your audience. Seeing the wooden parts while you explain your view on single versus double tenons works visually well. I could imagine that talking oil-on-a-rag-in-a-tincan would appeal more if you remove that rag from the can temporarily, showing size and wear (ending up with dirty hands, but hey!). In any case, with this video you sparked your passion and experience across to me, thanks! Kind regards, Igor

  9. I have a simple question. When using the combination square to mark a measurement on a part (Essential Woodworking Hand Tools), what part of the line on the beam do you line up with the face of the stock? Do you set it so the line just kisses the stock? Do you set it in the middle of the line? The end?

    I know that as long as I consistently use the same part of the line it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to know how you use it.

  10. So I understand you take questions from the blog – if that is so, here’s mine, about Stanley planes lateral adjustment levers.
    Simply said, are they truly useful or are they just a bug that has been successfully sold as a feature for the last 150 years or so?
    I have been using Stanley/Bailey planes for the last couple of years as an amateur and I have not found a single situation when a plane blade that is not aligned with the sole of the blade can be of any help, Indeed, with some ingenuity one can take advantage of the misalignment in certain situations but I would really happy to solve those situations in other ways and have the blade sit straight for the rest of the time… And I mean, STAY aligned – On my planes (one Nr4 and one be %5) the blade gets knocked out of alignment sometimes on every other stroke so I am eithe permanently adjusting it or making a mess of whatever I plane. Unless I got it completely wrong the purpose of a plane is to create a wooden surface that is aligned with the surface of the plane and if the plane cutting edge is NOT aligned with the plane sole I can’t see how one can achieve that.

    Sorry for the rant but since you are proposing the Stanley Nr. 4 as a single plane for an amateur woodworker I would like to understand how can I solve this – I am about to give up on Stanleys and drop some hard earned cash on veritas planes with lateral blade adjustment screws – not sure, but from what I see it seems that these will keep the blade aligned with the sole, do they? Is that the solution?
    Thank you

    1. I am afraid the issue is indeed either you are that particular plane. It takes a lot to simply nudge the iron out of alignment so perhaps you have the lever cam that locks the cutting iron assembly to the plane body to loose. It does take a little effort to close down the lever cam. The cutting iron is always set parallel to the sole and the lateral adjustment lever is purely to facilitate our aligning a blade we may have honed slightly out of square as we often do.

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