Humidity Issues

Humidity Issues

There are times when we adopt a practice for good reason where others get away with something and we wonder how they do it. In general, for we woodworkers, this is not something we practice and our good reasoning allows for something others utterly disallow. In two different cafes, I found cleats screwed beneath the…

New Discovering

I recall some years ago traversing a million acres of ranchland in the Texas Hill Country 30 miles north of Uvalde just off the ranch road FM1051. From my house, the one I built in Reagan Wells proper, I could walk into vast tracts of rangeland mostly leased to long-term lessors who’d raised their cattle…

Handworking Housing Dadoes

Handworking Housing Dadoes

After sixty years of working wood you develop your pieces using systems you either designed and developed or you adopt concepts of working as standard practices that make worklife just plain practical. Those that know me and my work know that I developed my mortising guide to guarantee perpendicularity and parallelity twixt inside and outside…

Just Another Trade Secret

Just Another Trade Secret

Things come to us in the moment and then we leave it alone for decades and just use it ourselves. I’ve got so many it’s hard to keep up with myself sometimes. Sometimes deep and flawed surfaces in our wood end up on the inside, underside and back of a cabinet and we never touch…

Planes Away

Planes Away

I have written quite substantially about the advantages of owning and using different bench planes. Bench planes are the most significant group of planes we use in our everyday bench work. It’s that wonderful category of a handful of bevel-down planes we hand tool woodworkers rely on for all our general straightening, levelling and otherwise…

Making Up Lost Time

Making Up Lost Time

In some ways, this closing week was my best week in three months since the attack on me that resulted in a cowardly attacker breaking three of my favourite ribs. It wasn’t just my ribs that were seriously damaged though, other injuries with the broken ribs ultimately and literally brought me down. There hasn’t been…

It’s Just a Gate

It’s Just a Gate

People open them and leave them to slam, saying they closed the gate but they didn’t close it. I think a well-made gate deserves respect for its maker. This gate, ageing now, has wear and cracks that tell me things that others miss when they pass through it, leaving the gate to slam shut and…

My Two Best Planes

My Two Best Planes

It’s really a superb thing, simplicity. It’s not the same as nor is it anything like minimalism. Valuing simplicity is to dwell and thrive in the humility of being a maker. Politics and social standing dissolve at the workbench and I do it using ordinary tools I bought in poverty and made do until my…

Another Tip You’ll Like Too

Another Tip You’ll Like Too

Here’s another one you haven’t seen either. In an emergency, for thicknessing just one thin stick, I set this up in a Black and Decker Workmate years ago and it worked. I thought you’d like it. And the great advantage is that it’s almost an instant setup. Additionally, it offers an infinately adjustable angle-of-presentation so…

My Thicknessing Guide

My Thicknessing Guide

A friend nudged me for this post. Reminding me of making my tool chest back in 2013 or so, that was in upstate New York, he spoke of my card scraper setup for thicknessing cockbeading, inlay and such. I thought it would help others so here it is: You might want to make the inlay…