New staff member!

New staff member!

Help at last. My wife Liz quit her previous job and started working for New Legacy along with Joseph. She will organize several areas including the office, accounts and bookkeeping, customer liaison and class bookings. Liz and I have worked together in business for over 20 years and raised a family of boys at the same time….

Work today

Work today

I prepped the layout for the oak doors today. Heavy, heavy work moving largesections around to square shoulder lines and gauge the mortise holes. Got to work work on some machining next, which I do in the machines at my home workshop. I walked over to the walled garden to check my measurements once more…

Discovering success

Discovering success

It’s not always a simple thing to measure success, especially in our present culture where many producers drive the large corporate wheel and it’s impossible to identify the individual production of each participant. Life for many today, whilst disguised behind terms like team players and such, seems more like being on a production assembly line rather than…

Day 2 Discovering woodworking

Day 2 Discovering woodworking

A crisp brightness changed the scenery this morning and the winds left a gentle tail breeze to jostle the new spring leaves. My mind traces a path through the day yet to be born in anticipation of what’s to come for everyone on the course. I’ve milled the wood for the spatulas and spoons and…

Hand tool school is cool

Hand tool school is cool

If you read back to a previous blog you’ll learn that my first hand tool workshop Discovering Woodworking was held in Kerrville Texas and was hosted by The Texas Arts and Crafts Foundation at Schreiner University. That seems in some ways to be a lifetime away and a lot has happened since that time. I still…

Discovering Woodworking this morning

Discovering Woodworking this morning

It’s already noontime and this morning we went through sharpening planes, chisels, spokeshaves and tomorrow I will cover the various aspects of sharpening and setting handsaws. Pretty standard for me because it’s so critical to what we do today, but for the students it was an eye-opener to see the simplicity and speed of non-mechanical sharpening….

Discovering Woodworking

Discovering Woodworking

For those of you coming to Penrhyn Castle this Saturday for the two-day Discovering Woodworking (2-3 April), it looks like a full class, which means we will have a great time rediscovering those aspects of woodworking John Seymour described in his book as The Forgotten Crafts. My goal is to give you as much of…