

Woodworking Masterclasses


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Common Woodworking


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This provision for small donations has been created due to popular demand from wonderful people that expressed their desire to support Paul’s work, you can donate here.

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Recent Comments

  1. Paul, I look forward to each post you do and to the replies as well from intelligent devotees to your…

  2. I look forward to it. I have made many, many other the years . They always fascinate me

  3. I would love to see you write a book solely about your early experience in the apprenticeship program of the…

  4. Thanks for giving us this glimpse into the past, when life was simpler and, in some ways, so much better…

  5. I’ve never really thought about the differences between Joy and Fun but I’ve known both feelings like most adults. The…

  6. Just an erratum… the North American Redwood (“coast redwood”) tree is sequoia sempervirens. Sequoiadendron gigenteum is its cousin, the giant…

  7. Thank you, Paul. I have read “The Joiner and the Cabinetmaker” and while it is a very good read, and…