Car boot squares

Car boot squares

On Sunday morning my students and I met at 8am to check out the local car boot sales. There wasn’t much there, but I found two squares for £1.00. As I sanded away the rust from the combination square the name of the maker emerged and I discovered a Rabone Chesterman square model 1812. The…

Hope chest and the closing class

Hope chest and the closing class

When I think of all the friends around the globe working wood, I wonder how trees keep up with supply. George is here from the USA with his friend John and they tell me of storm-dropped trees 4’ in diameter pretty much for the taking. People owning Woodmizer resaw bandsaws for resawing logs make short…

From Hope Chest to Discovery Workshop – A day in the workshop

From Hope Chest to Discovery Workshop – A day in the workshop

The class went well all day and from the start the enthusiasm was highly infectious even to the point of being contagious. My class starts always begin with sharpness. Without this, hand tool woodworking is impossible.WIthout hand tools in working woodwork,  artisanship cannot exist. Here we are beginning something. Beginnings have a way of defining the…

Leaving for work

Leaving for work

Walking past the woodlands and fields this morning is pleasant beneath a mottled sky of blues and fluffy clouds. The leaves are about turned with bright yellows, russets and reds and once again the tide is in so the curlews are feeding in the fields with the cows and sheep. The turret above is adjacent…

More than plane chatter

More than plane chatter

I think that many people would like to skip the rote practice it takes to master anything, but then it wouldn’t be worth anything would it? Always remember that achieving perfection begins with a fault. If we were born perfect, why would we need ongoing refinement and development throughout our lives? Neither are we born…

My Creative Workspace #30

My Creative Workspace #30

I’m thankful for the work I do. I have been making the hope chest for a few days now and on Saturday I have a two-day workshop so I will postpone some of the work until next week. Sharing my workspace has become increasingly important as I grow older and whether it’s teaching, apprenticing or…

Beyond pain

Beyond pain

Rough hands in veined steel knots clasp the chisel’s smoothness yet once more to pare the frame and fresh-cut shavings falling to tumbled piles at my feet and ankles braced now upon the oak board floor.   I strain, press, twist and the steel has my will at the edge that separates wood from wood…