Block planes reviewed

Block planes reviewed

  Many people ask me about block planes. No, not the 8″ wooden coffin smoothing planes of old, but the more modern versions with the bevel up cutting iron and fine adjustment wheels that set the iron so precisely. (Pics coming soon) I find students often buy the block plane as a first plane, before…

2011 Woodfest Post III

2011 Woodfest Post III

More related to Creative Workspace Well, back to work today when all others are taking their rest on Bank Holidays. As if the banks need holidays. Yesterday’s visit to Woodfest still resonates with mixed feelings. Here are some more thoughts I wanted to share: A timberframed building comprises many parts fitly framed together with each…

2011 Woodfestwales Post II

2011 Woodfestwales Post II

My creative workspace   In a field or a tent I sometimes shudder because rain, grass and people damage fine workmanship. Twenty stroking hands on a newly finished pintail duck can cause irreparable damage to weeks of hand work. Master decoy carver Gerry Sanger creates texture to his feathers in the paint surface and not…

2011 WoodfestWales Event

2011 WoodfestWales Event

Woodfest 2011 North Wales Today I made it to the 2011 WoodfestWales at Kinmel Estate, St George, North Wales. A woodworking event I’ve looked forward to for months. I chose not to be a demonstrator this year and being on my own meant I could sit and talk with my fellow craftsmen and women more…

Neglected creative workspace

When I’m in full creative mode my work seems to carry me in forward momentum to the neglect of things around me. Some say its focussed attention that blinds us to other tasks that also need taking care of. Multi tasking is seen as a positive trait now attributed to half the population, which isn’t…

Big tenons continued

Big tenons continued

I have worked in workshops with massive machine tenoners large enough to cut both sides of the tenon on an 8″ x 12″ beam in one pass and it comes out perfectly parallel with shoulders perfectly square ever time. Truth is that I really detested the whole set up thing and the separation from my…

Veritas woodworking tools

Veritas woodworking tools

Well, in answer to questions about which saws to buy, which planes I recommend and a few other such questions, I will try to answer them here. I have used old and modern hand tools for almost five decades. Some that I still use I bought as an apprentice somewhere around 1965 from Mr Cheapy…